At Hotel Soraya in Riccione we offer many services and facilities that will make your holiday easy, beautiful and comfortable.
Take a look at all the comforts in our 3-star hotel: from the private parking to the private beach, the perks are many!
Private and equipped beach in front of the hotel with beach umbrellas and sunbeds included
Large, private and fenced parking within walking distance (for a little extra)
Bikes subject to availability
Restaurant offering fish, meat and vegetarian menus
Agreement with the Riccione Terme and Perle d'Acqua water park
Small pets allowed
Unlimited Wi-Fi
"All that is exquisite matures slowly"
This quote has inspired us and has become our concept of a holiday. For lunch, you can treat yourself to the luxury of not having to rush to crowded buffets but instead have a tasty picnic served directly under your sun umbrella. It is far too hot to search for a free table in a restaurant, the picnic is an extra service, just choose what you want and savour it at your leisure.
If you're in the mood for something cool to enjoy under your umbrella we always have fruit salads, yogurt, sodas and ice cream ...and don't miss our aperitifs on the beach!
Obblighi informativi per le erogazioni pubbliche: gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla nostra impresa sono contenuti nel Registro Nazione degli Aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2021” e consultabili cliccando qui.